Youth Mentorship Initiatives

Fostering Diversity within Youth Mentorship Initiatives

Mentorship provides a crucial bridge between the aspirations of the younger generation and the wisdom of those who have traversed similar paths. However, the landscape of youth mentorship initiatives still has many barriers to be shattered in pursuing true diversity and inclusivity. Breaking down these boundaries within youth mentorship programs is essential, emphasizing the transformative…

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Big and Little laughing

Power of Mentorship Program: How Small Actions Create Big Impact

Youth mentorship programs are an excellent opportunity for personal growth. Mentors can have a positive impact on the lives of mentees, giving them a new and improved perspective on life. It is not uncommon for people with mentors to completely change their lives for good despite any disadvantages.  When it comes to mentorship for personal…

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Big Brother Big Sister Building

Impact of BBBSLI Youth Mentorship Programs

There are various initiatives run by BBBSLI that are created and curated to facilitate the development of young individuals. We are dedicated to our cause of creating wonderful lives for our mentees or Littles. From providing financial assistance to helping Littles navigate the various challenges of life, we try our best to create a strong…

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A mentor helping mentee in learning new skills

How to Become a Mentor

Being a mentor is a matter of great pride. However, it is also a great opportunity that comes with its own set of responsibilities. Becoming a mentor allows you to create a bond with your mentee and learn from their life experiences as well. You learn as much as you teach and it is certainly…

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A mentor help young child in studies

Exploring the Holistic Approach of Youth Mentoring Programs

Youth mentoring programs are essential for fostering a holistic approach to life in young individuals. Mentorship at a young age is essential to ensure that one is moving in the right direction in life. At BBBSLI, our youth mentorship programs are designed to work upon the potential of the youth. We believe that everyone deserves…

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Mentoring in Education

Role of Mentorship in Education: Supporting Academic Success

Mentorship plays a vital role in education. A good mentor can significantly impact the academic success of the student. Education is all about learning, and it is not simply limited to books. It goes beyond the written word; it is about developing one’s morals and ways of thinking. It is a delicate stage where one…

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A mentee mentoring a young person

Power of Mentorship Program: How Small Actions Create Big Impact

Youth mentorship programs are an excellent opportunity for personal growth. Mentors can have a positive impact on the lives of mentees, giving them a new and improved perspective on life. It is not uncommon for people with mentors to completely change their lives for good despite any disadvantages.  When it comes to mentorship for personal…

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A BIG mentoring a kid

Mentoring Programs for Growth: What Being a BIG Teaches You

Mentorship programs are extremely helpful for people – be it the mentors or the mentees. They promote personal growth and provide immense value to all participants involved. BBBSLI has various mentorship programs geared towards helping at-risk young individuals find the right direction in life. While youth mentoring programs are traditionally known to be only helpful…

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