Diversity and Inclusivity within Youth Mentorship

Shattering Boundaries Fostering Diversity and Inclusivity within Youth Mentorship Initiatives

Mentorship provides a crucial bridge between the aspirations of the younger generation and the wisdom of those who have traversed similar paths. However, the landscape of youth mentorship initiatives still has many barriers to be shattered in pursuing true diversity and inclusivity. Breaking down these boundaries within youth mentorship programs is essential, emphasizing the transformative…

Youth Mentorship Initiatives

Fostering Diversity within Youth Mentorship Initiatives

Mentorship provides a crucial bridge between the aspirations of the younger generation and the wisdom of those who have traversed similar paths. However, the landscape of youth mentorship initiatives still has many barriers to be shattered in pursuing true diversity and inclusivity. Breaking down these boundaries within youth mentorship programs is essential, emphasizing the transformative…

Big Brother Big Sister Building

Impact of BBBSLI Youth Mentorship Programs

There are various initiatives run by BBBSLI that are created and curated to facilitate the development of young individuals. We are dedicated to our cause of creating wonderful lives for our mentees or Littles. From providing financial assistance to helping Littles navigate the various challenges of life, we try our best to create a strong…