Big Brothers Big Sisters of Long Island is proud to work with donors to sponsor over 300 children in our annual Holiday for Kids’ Sake Program. We would like your help to make this holiday season special for a child. Here are ways to participate:
– Sponsor a teen or family, we’ll provide you with the first name, gender, age, sizes, and favorite colors/teams of the teen or family you sponsor. We’ll also provide you with their three “wish list” items (under $30 each).
– Donate new & unwrapped gifts we need most including: Adult size Hoodies, Adult size Leggings, Winter Coats, Socks, Sporting Goods- Basketballs, Soccer balls and Footballs, Bath/Body Gift Baskets, Headphones, Makeup/Costume Jewelry, Books/Board Games, Arts & Crafts
– Donate gift cards including: Target, Old Navy, Walmart, Toys-R-Us, iTunes, Best Buy, Game Stop
All donations must be received by Monday, December 11, 2017. To become a sponsor, donate gifts or for more information, please contact Chuck Lott at or (516) 731-7880 X201. You can also visit our website at: