In adherence with recommended guidelines and the most recent update by Governor Cuomo the New York shutdown will be extended to May 15th. BBBSLI has and will continue to work remotely to help support our Littles and their families during this time of need. Our team is dedicated to serve as a hub for hundreds of families—providing resources for those who may be affected by the loss of income, food insecurity, lack of healthcare, and anxiety due to the uncertainties related to COVID-19.
On behalf of BBBSLI, we want to thank every single one of you that have stepped up and made invaluable contributions through our NOW, MORE THAN EVER campaign, where 100% of funds raised will directly support our families during these uncertain times. Because of YOUR SUPPORT we have surpassed our original goal and will be starting the first round of deliveries to our families next week and we will continue to provide this support as needed.
We are so fortunate to have surpassed our original goal of raising $10,000 but there is still time to help us reach our new goal of $20,000, which would allow us to continue providing the funding to support over 250 families with gift cards to use towards food and essential items.