Thanks to backpack and school supply drives held by Computer Associates, Make it Count Foundation, Nixon Peabody LLP, Van Horn & Friedman PC, and Whisper Woods of Smithtown, BBBSLI was able to send our Littles back to school with brand new backpacks filled with needed school supplies!
Additionally, a generous donation from Smithtown Acura gave some of our Littles the opportunity to go on a back-to-school shopping trip at Walmart! These lucky Littles, accompanied by their Big Brother or Big Sister, won the chance to participate in this match activity which took place at Walmart locations in both Islandia and Westbury. The back to school shopping trip provided Littles with the opportunity to purchase important school related supplies, while also teaching them how to prioritize purchases and budget money. Each Big and Little match received a spending budget of $100. The mentors assisted their mentees with identifying the items they needed most and helped them to budget the allotted money appropriately.
BBBSLI wants to extend a big thank you to Computer Associates, Make it Count Foundation, Nixon Peabody, Vanhorn & Friedman PC, Whisper Woods of Smithtown and Smithtown Acura for their support and generous donations! We also want to wish all our Littles best of luck for the upcoming 2018-19 school year!